CITY-FOCUS project

CITY-FOCUS   is   an   innovative   and   transformative   project   that   aims   to   address   the   multifaceted   challenges   faced   by   modern cities   through   new   resilience-oriented   approaches   and   smart   cities   solutions.   The   project   is   implemented   by   the   Alexandru Ioan    Cuza    University    of    Iasi    and    managed    by    the    Centre    for    European    Studies    of    (CES),     within    Faculty    of    Law.    CES    is    an interdisciplinary   department   within   UAIC   which   focuses   on   developing   new   academic   and   research   programmes   mainly   in   the   field of regional studies.

Research activities

The   project   will   provide   a   new   and replicable   theoretical   framework   for assessing    urban    vulnerabilities    and transformation     capacity               [ read more… ]


CITY-FOCUS    events    will    provide    a great    opportunity    for    the    network members    to    meet    and    share    both their research [ read more… ]


The   project   CITY-FOCUS   proposes   a new   data-based   research   approach.        [ read more… ]